Why we should make freeway sound wall

 Currently, the sound wall that line our freeway and highways are vertical. It makes sense as that is how you build a wall, but I would suggest a different shape, one which can catch more airflow, noise and vibrational energy. This energy should be reused and recycled.  Yes, this is an intriguing concept and thought, and hence I would like to describe what I have in mind, that is if you have a few moments.

It appears to me that the sound walls should be candy cane shaped with the curve facing inward towards the traffic. As cars zoom along, it will catch the wind and flow it through that curve or a tube like structure. Along with it, we can put wind turbine blades adhering to a decibel level chart accumulating all the energy.

Moreover, the candy cane shape would assist to collect the vibrational energy using a plan inspired by nature, namely seashell. Sea creatures can hear and feel vibrations and sounds from far away as all the sound or noise is emphasized within the shell. Vibrational energy can also be reused and captured. An eco-creative optional energy therapist would also propose putting solar panels on top of the wall along with sound dampening curtains.

If we made them of lightweight structure, the current wall could conveniently support the additional weight. L-shaped brackets on the top can hold the solar panels. How much would this cost? I have designs and drawings now, and it is all quite simple. Moreover, the pay-off from the energy accumulated would be almost instant, and all those that live near the freeway would have cleaner air to breath and better rest at night, implying lower health care expenses and happier humans also. Please consider all this while considering plastic grinder sound enclosure and think about it.


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