Soundproofing yards with outdoor noise barrier

Outdoor noises may come from all types of directions simultaneously and might have several sources. They can also be reflected all across the place.  People have a tendency to look at what they think is the source and imagine that the sound is travelling in a straight line from the source to their yard. The reality is, it is likely that the sounds have deviated, bouncing off buildings and other objects, arriving at the yard amplified and from a different direction of source.  So your first job will be to identify the source of the issue before applying any outdoor noise barrier.


It may be possible that a nearby industry or business is surpassing acceptable noise levels or duration or working at inappropriate times of the day. Sometimes you may solve the issue by just raising the problem with the proprietor in a friendly way or by getting a sound insulation room.
It is impossible to make the yard air tight. You will always have to face flanking sound. Flanking sound is noise which wraps under or around your soundproof structures. All the principles to soundproof studio floor also applies on the outdoors.
Like all soundproofing problems, there are unlimited myths regarding outdoor soundproofing. The most common one is the use of shrubs and trees. Shrubs and trees are quite ineffective except as visual screens. To some extent, the sound of the birds and wind through the leaves makes a masking sound just like chimes and water.

Keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.  If you are planning to buy a home which is near the trains, think twice. If you are even slightly sensitive to noise, you don’t have to experience the nightmare trying to solve these issues with a sound panel fabric in the room.


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