HVAC Noise Reduction- Solving a common noise issue

Noise pollution caused by ground level and rooftop HVAC equipment comprising of boilers, chillers and air handlers has become one of the most irritating and also harmful environmental problems in cities all over the world. As urban noise enhances with the multiplication of residential growth, communities and residents are demanding better HVAC Noise Reduction solutions. HVAC systems might need an acoustically designed sound barrier wall.

Sound barriers walls have been utilized extensively in soundproof music room for years in the industrial and transportation fields. A sound barrier wall is an exterior structure, generally made of earth or masonry, designed to protect sensitive land uses, like residential areas from noise pollution. These noise pollution prevention products are now being utilized to assist in eradicating undesired noise from HVAC systems also. 

Conventional material to measure noise levels of HVAC systems has been reflective products. Reflective products, such as brick or concrete, just redirect the undesired sound waves in other directions, and can actually enhance noise by unintentionally reflecting the sound waves.

There is a better solution. Absorptive sound enclosures basically absorb the undesired sound waves, lessening the hazard of unintentional reflected noise. Absorptive sound walls lessen reflections and are able to maintain the efficiency of the barrier. Hence, the overall noise level is lessened. The sophisticated materials found in the absorptive barrier walls are much more efficient noise barrier solution. There are various solutions for these issues.

Therefore, if you are facing issues with noisy HVAC equipment, an absorptive iac acoustics is apparently the most efficient noise solution available for this quite demanding application. Absorptive walls outlast and outperform all other noise reduction products. Moreover, many systems like LSE system are an aesthetically impressive HVAC sound wall with the extra advantage of noise pollution reduction.


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