
Showing posts from April, 2022

How to measure decibels

Soundproofing is the term given to the process through which an area, room or space is made less receptive to sound. It insulates the place against sound and is generally used to lessen undesired noise. To what extent a space or a room is made “soundproof” depends on how much sound is able to pass through the soundproofing materials used. As you have to measure decibels , this is how the effectiveness of soundproofing is also measured. Decibels are not basically units of sound. Instead, they are a way of expressing the ratio between the two levels of sound. Our ears encounter a wide range of decibels, which is roughly the difference between the quietest perceivable sound and the loudest sound we can hear from an engine dyno we can hear without intolerable pain of almost 1 watt per square meter. Enhancing the power of a sound doesn’t enhance our perception about sound in the same proportion. If one sound has double the number of decibels than a second sound in a dyno test , we wouldn’t...

Acoustics for home theater- Listen to your speakers not your room

So you have made up your mind to invest in some kind of home theatre equipment. You visit the showroom of the dealer and are blown away by the top of the line system and spend 5000 dollars and return home. Being full of exhilaration, you spend hours mounting and installing everything, until the big moment when you drop your favorite DVD only to find out that you are missing the smooth and striking response you heard at the store. So what exactly is missing in your band room ? The bottom line is that once you have reached the mid-range quality in your AV equipment, the weakest link is going to be the room acoustic baffles , the most neglected aspect of setting up a home theater. Well, where do you get started? If it is within your budget, it would be well worth the investment to hire a professional acoustical consultant, but if you have to keep your cost down, you can definitely enhance your room acoustics by following some easy rules: • Add sound absorbing materials to lessen low fr...

Install cloud ceiling and acoustic sound panels to lessen noise

While choosing acoustic sound panels for the control of noise problems or the refinement of the sound quality in a space, the area function should be matched to the necessary acoustic performance. Once this required design aspect and assessment is completed, a decision can be made on the placement of the acoustic panels, baffles or clouds. Acoustic treatments are available in a wide range of fabric systems, sound absorbing panels, acoustic ceiling clouds or noise baffles. Utilizing acoustic cloud ceiling or baffles Acoustic cloud ceiling or baffles come into their own wall when the wall space is restricted or when the area is big. Similar to acoustic wall panels, they absorb both direct and echo sound. As the name suggests, these baffles and clouds are generally hung parallel on the ceiling. Ceiling treatments by using a sound absorber lessen reflected sound in open and large environments while assisting to define areas with large open spaces and ceilings. Ceiling suspended or mount...

How can you dampen the sound of your room?

Is noise driving you crazy? Are your neighbors, roommates, and family members making too much noise? Or are you the one that is creating the uproar? Regardless of the situation, use of sound dampening foam may be the best option for you. To get started, you have to know how noise and sound works before you can defeat it. Sound waves travel through air and some materials can dampen these waves. If money is not an issue, then using a sound proof blanket is the way to go. Made from vinyl and polyether foam, these products absorb sound. Others are made from recycled cotton fiber layered into tiles that lessen sound from the walls and ceilings and lessens sound wave vibrations. Some products are made of flexible, heavy vinyl that becomes part of the floor, ceiling and the wall. Keep in mind that doors and windows will also be conducive to a noisy room. Weather-stripping windows and doors can also facilitate sound waves from entering. You can also buy peel and stick vinyl materials for the...